About this curriculum

We have adopted a mastery approach to maths education. Whole class mastery teaching has shown a marked improvement in the progress of lower attaining learners and all pupils are more willing to embrace mathematical challenges, encouraged by the belief that everyone can succeed if they put their mind to it. 

We use White Rose to support our Maths teaching and planning. White Rose is about helping whole classes grasp maths lessons. All children progress at a similar pace to allow no one to be left behind. White Rose Maths gives the children the chance to consolidate their learning and deepen their understanding within the same learning objective. For children to master maths, they need to consolidate their knowledge and understanding of each topic, rather than speeding through the curriculum. With strong foundational knowledge, they are better able to tackle more challenging topics and number problems and they find it easier to extend and build on their knowledge. When children consolidate what they have learned, they benefit from a lasting understanding of lessons-skills they’ve mastered will stay with them throughout their academic lives and into adulthood. 

Teaching is adapted to ensure all children achieve expectations. One of our adaptive teaching methods is the concrete, pictorial, abstract approach (CPA). The Concrete Pictorial Abstract (CPA) approach is a system of learning that uses physical and visual aids to build a child’s understanding of abstract topics.

Pupils are introduced to a new mathematical concept through the use of concrete resources (e.g. fruit, Dienes blocks etc). When they are comfortable solving problems with physical aids, they are given problems with pictures – usually pictorial representations of the concrete objects they were using.

Then they are asked to solve problems where they only have the abstract i.e. numbers or other symbols. Building these steps across a lesson can help pupils better understand the relationship between numbers and the real world, and therefore helps secure their understanding of the mathematical concept they are learning.

Children are expected to do home learning to build fluency with key skills and consolidate their learning. Please see the linked page for extra information about what is expected for your child’s year group.

Progression in Maths at Manadon

Content coming soon!

In Foundation Stage we have been learning about Ramadan and why it is important to some Muslims. It is a time to reflect on being the best person you can be, like being kind and thoughtful. A time to be thankful and to help others. Ramadan begins with the sighting of a new crescent moon. We have been making sun catchers in the shape of lanterns. the lantern represents light guiding the way and in some countries, it is traditional to illuminate the streets at night during the holy month of Ramadan.
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Year 6 had a fantastic trip to The Box - what a wonderful local resource! We learnt so much during our Slavery workshop and loved the time exploring the rest of the galleries.
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3H are having a fantastic time learning to play the violin. They sound amazing, even though today was only their third lesson.
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REMINDER - Our next workshop for parents and carers is tomorrow. All are welcome, we look forward to seeing you there!
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This Friday is Red Nose Day. Children can wear funny mufti or any other mufti (including PE kit) with a suggested voluntary donation of £1. We look forward to seeing your outfits!
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🎲 Dungeons and Dragons - Scene 2 The spotlight was on The High Society this afternoon; the guild had ventured into the woods three days prior after investigating the strange occurrences at Yellowdale ... but so far, they have found no evidence of mischief. That was until they awoke around their campfire to find a member of their party missing! The Society decided to follow Nisha's footprints and head west - after tracking her steps (and licking some sticks - who knew survival skills could be so entertaining?), Infernus made some keen observations and noticed that they were all being watched. Nisha suddenly started shouting for help! The group quickly dashed through the woodlands and discovered that Nisha had rather foolishly fallen down a trap; sensibly, the society remembered they had rope in their satchel and heaved Nisha to freedom. They are still being watched ... 🤯
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The book fair is all set up and ready for the end of the school day today. We have 4 copies of each book. If you do find that a book you want is sold out, let us know and we will order it in for you. Card and cash accepted.
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The book fair is open this morning until 8:30am 📚
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YEAR 5 PARENTS/CARERS Swimming starts on Monday. Children should wear PE kit on Mondays and normal school uniform (without a tie) on the other days. However, children will not be in trouble if they accidentally wear PE kit on the wrong day - it is a busy few weeks. Have a great weekend and see you on Monday.
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** Reminder **MVPS BOOK FAIR is on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday next week! (11th/12th/13th March) 📚 📖 📕 8:00-8:30am and 3:05-4:00 each day!! Today, all children had a look at the books available to buy. We accept card or cash. The more you spend, the more the school earns back in rewards to spend on books for the school library. 📚 💙 We will have 4 copies of each book available to purchase and take away from the book fair. If the book is sold out, just let a member of staff know at the book fair and we will order it in for you. 😄 Thank you for your continued support. Have a wonderful weekend, Miss Harris.
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Hopefully in order 🙏 from Foundation to year 6, here are the winning stories from the whole school writing competition 💙💙💙💙 Well done to all of the children who took part in this wonderful event! ✍️ 🤓
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