About this curriculum


Essential Letters and Sounds (ELS) is our chosen Phonics programme. The aim of ELS is‘ Getting all children to read well, quickly’. It teaches children to read by identifying the phonemes (the smallest unit of sound) and graphemes (the written version of the sound) within words and using these to read words.

Children begin learning Phonics at the very beginning of Reception and it is explicitly taught every day during a dedicated slot on the timetable. Children are given the knowledge and the skills to then apply this independently.

Throughout the day, children will use their growing Phonics knowledge to support them in other areas of the curriculum and will have many opportunities to practise their reading. This includes reading 1:1 with a member of staff, with a partner during paired reading and as a class.

Children continue daily Phonics lessons in Year 1 and further through the school as necessary to ensure all children become confident, fluent readers.

We follow the ELS progression and sequence. This allows our children to practise their existing phonic knowledge whilst building their understanding of the ‘code’ of our language GPCs (Grapheme Phoneme Correspondence). As a result, our children can tackle any unfamiliar words that they might discover.

Children experience the joy of books and language whilst rapidly acquiring the skills they need to become fluent independent readers and writers. ELS teaches relevant, useful and ambitious vocabulary to support each child’s journey to becoming fluent and independent readers.

We begin by teaching the single letter sounds before moving to diagraphs such as, ‘sh’ (two letters spelling one sound), trigraphs ‘igh’ (three letters spelling one sound) and quadgraphs ‘eigh’ (four letters spelling one sound).

We teach children to:

  • Decode     (read) by identifying each sound within a word and blending them together     to read fluently
  • Encode     (write) by segmenting each sound to write words accurately.

The structure of ELS lessons allows children to know what is coming next, what they need to do, and how to achieve success. This makes it easier for children to learn the GPCs we are teaching (the alphabetic code) and how to apply this when reading.

ELS is designed on the principle that children should ‘keep up’ rather than ‘catch up’. Since interventions are delivered within the lesson by the teacher, any child who is struggling with the new knowledge can be immediately targeted with appropriate support. Where further support is required, 1:1 interventions are used. These interventions are short, specific and effective.

Supporting Reading at Home

  • Children will only read books that are entirely decodable, this means that they should be able to read these books as they already know the code contained within the book.
  • We only use pure sounds when decoding words (no ‘uh’ after the sound)
  • We want children to practise reading their book 4 times across the week working on these skills:
        Decode – sounding out and blending to read the word.
        Fluency – reading words with less obvious decoding.
        Expression – using intonation and expression to bring the text to life!

We must use pure sounds when we are pronouncing the sounds and supporting children in reading words. If we mispronounce these sounds, we will make reading harder for our children. Please watch the videos sent home from your child's class teacher.

Any books that are not yet decodable for the children will be a 'sharing book'. These books are there for you to read with you child, helping to instil a love of reading from the very beginning of their reading journey. These could be read together with your child reading the words they are able to decode or could be read to your child..

More support for parents and carers can be found here:


Year 4 are looking for donations of old t-shirts that are completely plain but of any colour 👕. We need these for an art and DT project starting next week. If you have anything, please drop them into the office or hand them to a member of the Year 4 team by Monday 17th June. Thank you!
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Year 5 are beginning their Rainforest compositions tomorrow in our music lesson. Hopefully they will have been inspired by our trip to the Eden Project today. 🙂 Children who play a musical instrument are welcome to bring them in tomorrow. 🎵 🌴
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Year 5 have had a great day at the Eden Project. We are just leaving now so should be back at about 15:10.
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For all the gentlemen in our community, from our youngest to our eldest - your mental health is important - YOU are important! ❤️💙💛
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Year 5 parents: The weather is predicted to be nice tomorrow. Children may wear PE kit or school uniform for the Eden trip. Please arrive at school promptly tomorrow morning, as the coach will be leaving at 9am.
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The year 6 children and staff have now left Barton Hall for their journey home. We are aiming to be back at school about 2.40pm. They are all excited to share their adventures with you!!
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We are so excited to announce that this summer, District Sports will be running a holiday club at Manadon Vale! ⚽️🏀🎾🏐🏏🏸🥏🏓 This is something that parents and carers have been asking for and we have worked hard to get this in place so it would be great for our families to support this. 🙏🏼 District Sports already support our PE provision and run some lunch clubs so are well known to the children. 🤩
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Whole School Writing Competition. ✍️‼️‼️10 DAYS LEFT TO ENTER!! ‼️‼️✍️ In celebration of National Writing Day 2024, which is held on Wednesday 19th June, Miss Harris is hosting a writing competition across the school. Story context: Imagine you found a magical key, what does it unlock? Write a story about the key and an adventure that it takes you on. • Closing date for entries: Friday 21st June. • Winners announced: Friday 28th June.  Prizes for each winner: Their very own writing journal, pens, stickers and sweets.  One winner will be selected from each year group. *Spelling and punctuation will not be judged. The winner will be judged on content. Wishing you a safe and wonderful half term. Thank you, Miss Harris Year 6 teacher and English lead.
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Looking forward to the ‘Silent Disco’ tonight after another fun filled day in the sun! Last night at Barton Hall 2024…we’ll see you all tomorrow 🕺🪩💃🎉😄
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Sunday morning bright and early….all ready for another day of fun- fencing, abseiling, survivor, giant paddle board and of course the disco tonight !! 💃 🪩 🕺
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Having fun at the campfire after a busy day of fun! All the children have been well fed, spent their money in the shop and enjoyed new experiences including trapeze, archery, zip wire, paddle boarding and the giant swing. Thank you to Mrs Gilbride for visiting us with Joseph today to join in the fun ☺️☀️
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What a great first night at Barton Hall! Everyone had a great night sleep 🛌. Breakfast done and getting ready for the first activity of the day! What a great bunch of children!
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Year 6 children ready to start their first evening activity at Barton Hall ! 🏃
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📢 Year 1 Phonics Screening Check 📢 Week beginning; 10/6/24 Next week, the Year 1/ 2 will be administering the Phonics Screening Check. The children are well prepared for this already and have been absolutely smashing their phonics revision! We are extremely proud of every single one of them. A massive well done to all the children (and supporting adults!) who completed their 'QR code riddles' and have been practicing at home 🌟 Thank you as always for your continued support! It is a true joy to see so many children becoming confident, keen readers. 🤩🥰 - The Year 1 Team
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We were incredibly lucky with the weather for KS2 sports day 🏃🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️ Congratulations to all participants for your teamwork and effort.
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The girls have swum brilliantly at Preston in the Connect swimming gala.
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