About this curriculum

We enable the children to communicate in both oral and written work confidently and clearly. This allows the children to use writing to express themselves coherently, adapting their language and style for the context, purpose and audience at hand.

Children will learn to apply their reading skills in everyday life. By developing a love of reading for pleasure and the ability to access learning in a variety of subjects, we know that our children will be able to communicate effectively in the wider world.

We strive to equip our children with the skills and knowledge they need for their school career and beyond.

Through reading in particular, pupils have a chance to develop culturally, emotionally, intellectually, socially and spiritually. Literature, especially, plays a key role in such development. Reading also enables pupils both to acquire knowledge and to build on what they already know.


At Manadon Vale , we use the ‘No Nonsense Grammar and sentence toolkit’ so that grammar teaching links seamlessly with teaching children how to improve their writing.  This has had a positive impact on the children’s learning by putting the grammar teaching into a context and allowing the children to experiment with it within their own writing.  

Children are taught tools/ symbols that represent specific grammar content. This analogy helps them to understand the terminology as well as when and how to use it effectively.  


At Manadon Vale, our writing curriculum is designed to enable our children to become imaginative, engaging and precise writers who show control as well as adaptability in style when asked to write for a range of contexts, purposes and audiences. At the core of our curriculum is the belief that children should be taught using high quality texts that vary in genre, show cultural diversity and are matched to the needs of individual classes of children.  

By using this structure to shape our writing curriculum, the children are presented with a model which enables them to understand authors’ choices and intentions, demonstrating what an effective piece of writing looks like, as well as providing a solid understanding of grammar; this provides the children with clear end points and outcome pieces to work towards. Through teaching writing skills alongside these high-quality texts, children are shown how the choices that they make as a writer impact on the reader in differing ways.  

This curriculum is taught with a logical progression of texts so that children can build on their prior learning in a systematic way to ensure that intended knowledge and skills are acquired. 

At Manadon Vale , our pupils’ writing journey begins in the early years and sequentially builds knowledge and skills, year-on-year.   


A reader from Manadon Vale Primary School will be able to:  

  • Read at an age expected standard.  
  • Apply their phonics knowledge when reading as well as other strategies to identify unknown words. For example, reading around the word for meaning, breaking it up into parts etc.  
  • Develop reading for pleasure that lasts a lifetime.  
  • Experience a wide breath of books, including a range of genres and themes.  
  • Understand a variety of text types including fiction, non-fiction and poetry.  
  • Have a good understanding for a wide range of vocabulary.  
  • Retrieve information from the text through skimming and scanning.  
  • Read between the lines to make accurate inferences. 

All EYFS and KS1 will use the ELS programme to support their reading at school. Each child is matched with a book according to their ability and one book of the sounds they are learning each week. As the children transition to Year 2 and are confident with their decoding, blending and segmenting, they will move on to Accelerated Reader scheme.

Renaissance Accelerated Reader

Renaissance Accelerated Reader balances students' independent reading practice with nonfiction reading and close-reading skills practice. It is a computer-based program that schools may use to monitor reading practice and progress. It helps teachers guide children to books that are at their individual reading levels. 

Children ready for this scheme will be quizzed at 3 points in the year to answer a series of retrieval, prediction and inference skills. This will then point them to a ZPD ( Zone of Proximal development) so the children know which level reading books to read. They can read as many books as they like during the week and at the end of the book,  will take a short quiz to check if they've understood it.

Goals / targets are set using a child's ZPD level and the time provided for reading practice, this ensures each child's target is personalised and relevant to their individual ability in reading.

Year 4 are looking for donations of old t-shirts that are completely plain but of any colour 👕. We need these for an art and DT project starting next week. If you have anything, please drop them into the office or hand them to a member of the Year 4 team by Monday 17th June. Thank you!
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Year 5 are beginning their Rainforest compositions tomorrow in our music lesson. Hopefully they will have been inspired by our trip to the Eden Project today. 🙂 Children who play a musical instrument are welcome to bring them in tomorrow. 🎵 🌴
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Year 5 have had a great day at the Eden Project. We are just leaving now so should be back at about 15:10.
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For all the gentlemen in our community, from our youngest to our eldest - your mental health is important - YOU are important! ❤️💙💛
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Year 5 parents: The weather is predicted to be nice tomorrow. Children may wear PE kit or school uniform for the Eden trip. Please arrive at school promptly tomorrow morning, as the coach will be leaving at 9am.
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The year 6 children and staff have now left Barton Hall for their journey home. We are aiming to be back at school about 2.40pm. They are all excited to share their adventures with you!!
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We are so excited to announce that this summer, District Sports will be running a holiday club at Manadon Vale! ⚽️🏀🎾🏐🏏🏸🥏🏓 This is something that parents and carers have been asking for and we have worked hard to get this in place so it would be great for our families to support this. 🙏🏼 District Sports already support our PE provision and run some lunch clubs so are well known to the children. 🤩
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Whole School Writing Competition. ✍️‼️‼️10 DAYS LEFT TO ENTER!! ‼️‼️✍️ In celebration of National Writing Day 2024, which is held on Wednesday 19th June, Miss Harris is hosting a writing competition across the school. Story context: Imagine you found a magical key, what does it unlock? Write a story about the key and an adventure that it takes you on. • Closing date for entries: Friday 21st June. • Winners announced: Friday 28th June.  Prizes for each winner: Their very own writing journal, pens, stickers and sweets.  One winner will be selected from each year group. *Spelling and punctuation will not be judged. The winner will be judged on content. Wishing you a safe and wonderful half term. Thank you, Miss Harris Year 6 teacher and English lead.
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Looking forward to the ‘Silent Disco’ tonight after another fun filled day in the sun! Last night at Barton Hall 2024…we’ll see you all tomorrow 🕺🪩💃🎉😄
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Sunday morning bright and early….all ready for another day of fun- fencing, abseiling, survivor, giant paddle board and of course the disco tonight !! 💃 🪩 🕺
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Having fun at the campfire after a busy day of fun! All the children have been well fed, spent their money in the shop and enjoyed new experiences including trapeze, archery, zip wire, paddle boarding and the giant swing. Thank you to Mrs Gilbride for visiting us with Joseph today to join in the fun ☺️☀️
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What a great first night at Barton Hall! Everyone had a great night sleep 🛌. Breakfast done and getting ready for the first activity of the day! What a great bunch of children!
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Year 6 children ready to start their first evening activity at Barton Hall ! 🏃
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📢 Year 1 Phonics Screening Check 📢 Week beginning; 10/6/24 Next week, the Year 1/ 2 will be administering the Phonics Screening Check. The children are well prepared for this already and have been absolutely smashing their phonics revision! We are extremely proud of every single one of them. A massive well done to all the children (and supporting adults!) who completed their 'QR code riddles' and have been practicing at home 🌟 Thank you as always for your continued support! It is a true joy to see so many children becoming confident, keen readers. 🤩🥰 - The Year 1 Team
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We were incredibly lucky with the weather for KS2 sports day 🏃🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️ Congratulations to all participants for your teamwork and effort.
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The girls have swum brilliantly at Preston in the Connect swimming gala.
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