About this class

As your child approaches the end of their primary school journey, Year 6 is a year of challenges and opportunities. Our web page is the perfect place to learn more about our experienced teaching team, the rigorous curriculum we offer, and the homework that will help your child succeed in their transition to secondary school.

In Year 6, the teachers are Miss Harris and Mr Williams. We are supported by Mrs Hooper and Mrs Collins who are our teaching assistants.

We also have Mrs Cowin alongside Mrs Hooper who cover our planning time, which is usually a Monday morning or Tuesday afternoon, and any additional time when we are out of class for training, meeting or leadership purposes. Having familiar adults helps to build consistency and means the children and adults are familiar with each other.

Year 6 is a key year and involves the children taking greater responsibility and independence for their own learning before their transition to secondary school. Despite this we are very keen to work together as a partnership, with the children, parents, teachers and school all working together to help us 'to be the best that we can be'.

Please feel free to contact the Year 6 team if you have something you wish to ask or would like to discuss. We have an open-door policy and will see you as soon as possible. Please ask at the office if you would like to see us in person or would like to pass on a message or catch us in the playground at the start or end of the day. Additionally, you can contact us via email Monday-Friday during working hours on  lharris@mvps.org.uk or swilliams@mvps.org.uk.

We are looking forward to a great year together in the final, very special, stage of your Manadon Vale Primary School journey!

Thank you,

The Year 6 Team

  • English homework is set on a Monday and needs to be completed and handed in on Tuesday or Wednesday. We alternate between short reading comprehensions and mini-SPAG tests – both important practise for your SATs tests in May.
  • Maths homework is set online with Doodle. It will be set by the Monday and needs to be completed by the Friday. There are lots of other maths activities you can enjoy and use to improve your skills on Doodle, so explore these too! TTRockstars is another great way to improve your maths skills at home!

  • Both Year 6 classes have outdoor PE on Wednesdays and indoor PE (Dance or Gymnastics) on Fridays. Please come to school in your correct kit on these days. If it is outside PE, we will try to go out regardless of the weather, so please wear suitable clothing and footwear. During hot weather, please can you ensure your child has appropriate clothing and sun cream, e.g. sunhat.

Meet the team

Mrs Joanne Mitchell

Mrs Joanne Mitchell

Whole School PPA & Higher Level Teaching Assistant
Miss Lindsey Harris

Miss Lindsey Harris

Year 6 Teacher / English Lead
Mrs Deborah Godfrey

Mrs Deborah Godfrey

Year 6 Teaching Assistant
Mr Steve Williams

Mr Steve Williams

Year 6 Teacher
Mrs Helen Hooper

Mrs Helen Hooper

KS2 Higher Level Teaching Assistant
Marlins and Angelfish
Mrs Lucy Collins

Mrs Lucy Collins

Year 6 Teaching Assistant
Marlins and Angelfish


We have exciting topics in Year 6:

  • ‘The Big Bang!’
  • Science - Evolution and Inheritance, Classification
  • Geography - Volcanoes and Navigation (Ocean Link)
  • History – Slavery
  • Science – Healthy Me
  • History - World War 2
  • Science – Electricity and Light

Termly Overview


In Maths, we are consolidating and revising our Arithmetic and Reasoning skills ready for our SATs tests in May.

After this, we enjoy some challenging themed Problem-Solving projects.

In English, we complete our collection of writing genres ready for our SATs assessment and choose our best written piece to share with our new secondary school.

In RE, we consider why some people believe in God and some people not, how does faith help when life get hard and then complete our RE curriculum with a multi faith study.

In Science, we complete Animals including humans, Electricity and Light.

In history, we continue our learning on WWII. Our main enquiry question to answer by the end of this unit is ‘How did Great Britain stand firm against the German threat?

In computing, we study the remaining units: Data and information - introduction to Spreadsheets and  creating media – 3D Modelling.

In geography, we will be carrying out fieldwork through a local park trip where we will analyse and compare previous and current use of the environment.

In music, we are completing our Charanga unit on jazz and building towards our year 6 performance.

In French, we are completing our unit ‘Chez Moi’ which is all about our homes.

In PSHE, the children learn about Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) to provide knowledge and understanding of how the human body changes during puberty and the processes of human reproduction, within the context of relationships based on love and respect. It should develop understanding and attitudes which will help pupils to form relationships in are sponsible and healthy manner and to appreciate the value of stable family life, and positive relationships.

Predominately in year 6, we support the children heavily with transition preparations to their new secondary schools. Members of staff from their new secondary school may visit and children will complete their induction days at their new school. Exciting times!

Year Notices:

We are excited to be recruiting for a full time TA and a part time TA starting September 2024. Click on the link below to see the job adverts and job description. 🔗 💻 For further information, please feel free to contact the school office. ☎️ ☺️
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Don’t forget it’s green mufti tomorrow💚
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Good morning! Here is the KS2 Sports Day programme for today. 🏃🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️ All timings are approximate event times.
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In Design and Technology, 2C have been busy designing and making a healthy picnic 🍏🍇🍓which they enjoyed eating in the sunshine ☀️
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Year 2 had lots of fun making a healthy picnic in DT!
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Year 6 have been drawing monsters based on the book 'Fing' by David Walliams to help with writing their non-chronological reports in English this week.
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Thank you Plymouth Garden Centre Ltd for your kind donations🪴 Thank you Mrs Moulding and Mrs Taylor for organising this⭐️🌟
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🏅Sports Day 2024🏅 KS2 Sports Day will be held on Tuesday 21st May 9.30 - 12pm. EYFS and KS1 Sports Day will be held on Thursday 23rd May, this year, weather permitting At 1.15pm. Our amazing Manadon Vale PTFA will be selling refreshments this year for spectators 🥤🍫
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💚Project 35💚 Manadon Vale Primary School is proud to announce that we will be holding a ‘Green Army’ Mufti Day on Wednesday 22nd May. Argyle shirts and/or green clothing is encouraged! We kindly ask students who wear mufti on the day to donate long-life food items (tins, jars, sauces etc.) or £1, which will go towards the Argyle Community Trust’s Community Larder.
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We had a fabulous parade around the school today, showing off our beautiful finished Seawigs!
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3BM had great fun this week using UV beads, to learn about protecting ourselves from the sun!
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Foundation Stage had a wonderful pirate day! Thank you to our super kitchen staff for our school dinners and to all the parents and carers who joined us! Have a fantastic pirate weekend and come and see The Great Sea Choir at 4.30pm tomorrow!! 🌊🏴‍☠️The Great Sea Choir
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Year 6 celebrated the end of their SATS tests today with cake from Mrs Gilbride. Well done everyone!
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Year 6 really enjoyed their SATS breakfasts this week and have been absolutely fantastic sitting their tests. Absolute super stars!
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Reading reward winners 🥰💙 📚 Thank you to the PTFA for making this possible. Our little trip to Waterstones this afternoon 😊 just waiting for our return 🚕 taxi now.
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Foundation Stage have had a great start to their Pirate Day 🏴‍☠️ We are looking forward to welcoming parents and carers into school later. More photos to follow!
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How can we help?

If there’s anything else you’d like to know or need guidance with, we’re here.

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